Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Helen Thomas Retires Due To Remarks About Israel

Helen Thomas Retires Due To Remarks About Israel

Helen Thomas, who is 89-years-old and has covered 10 presidents as a White House reporter, has recently retired due to some inflammatory remarks she made about Israel that were caught on camera.

The Middle Earth-looking journalist said Israeli Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine" and "go home" to Germany, Poland and America.

Worse yet, she said this to a rabbi who was accompanied by his 17-year-old son and a friend, both of whom were wearing yarmulkes.

Oy vey!

As someone who is OLD this is very distressing.

No, we're not talking about her disdain for a major American alley, or her disparaging comments about a thriving democracy surrounded by a cesspool of tyranny, or the revealing of her anti-Semitism.

What's distressing about this incident is Thomas is OLD and she was punished for speaking crazy.

Crazy speech, especially slightly racist crazy speech, is one of the perks of being OLD.

If you're OLD and you can't talk crazy then what's the point? It's one of the few perks of being OLD. You have crazy speech, eating dinner at 4pm, and defecating in your pants.

And as we all know, society has no use for the OLD anyway--they are obsolete, slow, and they don't buy products sold on primetime television.

The OLD have nothing new to offer and nothing new to proclaim.

So why should anyone care what they have to say?

It's a sad day in America when an 89-year-old is held accountable for the crazy things she says. Getting OLD is becoming more and more arduous every day.

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