Friday, April 2, 2010

Neal McDonough Fired For Saying No To Simulated Sex

I recently read an article about an actor named Neal McDonough, he was fired for refusing to participate in a sex scene.

The well-written and extremely cogent article, sided with McDonough and claimed sex scenes were gratuitous because they almost always have nothing to do with a television show's or a movie's plot.

The tenor of the article disparaged sex scenes less on moral grounds and more on the fact that they were a bad story telling device.

However, the article was so finely composed that it made me realized that I honestly and truly find sex scenes "oogie."

That's right I've become so OLD that I find images two attractive people having sex repulsive (of course, I always found images of unattractive people having sex repulsive).

What has happened to myself?

There was a time when I wouldn't watch a movie unless there was at least one devil's three way. I even wanted uglies tapped in a Muppets movie. Now that I'm old, I can't even stand the sight (or smell) of fornication.

Finding softcore porn objection, just another causalty of becoming OLD.

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