Friday, September 25, 2009

Michael Moore and His Immature Anti-Capitalistic Views (Conclusion)

…When you’re young you’re ignorant. You don’t know anything.

Then you get some years under your belt and start to realize that capitalism is the best system we have and that its problems aren’t systematic but the folly of man.

You can take any walk of life and find good and bad people in it. There are just as many jerks in the politburo as there are at your friendly neighborhood multinational corporation.

Just as much evil reads Karl Marx as reads Adam Smith.

Having grown up a product of a lower-middle class family, I had a better standard of living; more luxuries; more amenities; more food, clothing and shelter than 99.9% of humanity, that ever lived on this planet, ever hoped to have.

My plush lifestyle was thanks to capitalism.

The reason why capitalism is the best economic system we have is because it rewards the positive behaviors of ingenuity, hard work, risk taking, competition, and invention.

These forces need to be unfettered to maximize man’s potential. If they are restrained, man wilts.

The actual real-life problems caused by capitalism are more than likely due to government intervention. In fact government regulations is probably a greater cause for concern then some C.E.O.'s avarice.

Finally, even if Michael Moore is right, or even half right, or even a quarter right, we would much rather be at the mercy of big business than the government. Corporations risk their own money but the government risks ours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did you even bother to see the movie before you came up with your retarded opinions about it and our economy? try getting your information somewhere other than fox news, your pathetic and shallow arguments on politics are embarrassing. try sticking to your grouchy old man posts, you'll look like less of an idiot.

-anonymous, unless you want to know who I am...