Saturday, September 19, 2009

Eva Longoria Opens Mouth

Recently, “actress” Eva Longoria spoke at a charity gala and said she is shocked by Americans’ attitudes towards immigrants and supports Obamacare.

It was quite an amazing moment. The body actually has a brain.

Well, a brain may be pushing it a bit, but Longoria did show she has the capability to form a complete sentence on her own.

Longoria: "The immigration issue is interesting because historically everyone has immigrated, this is a country of immigrants.”

You’re not an immigrant if you were born here. I was born here. You were probably born here. Most Americans were born here.

Longoria: “So it kind of shocks me that people have such a vile reaction to immigrants when they provide a huge amount of services to our country, and particularly in agriculture."

The overwhelming majority of Americans are proponents of immigration but opponents of illegal immigration. You want to come to this county, that’s fine, but do it legally.

Longoria thinks immigration reform is important but not as much as healthcare.

"One topic at a time, [Obama] can tackle the health care issue, and I completely support him on what he is doing currently, with his options that he wants to provide, and ... how he wants to fund it."

[Roll eyes]

Thanks for trying Eva. Now close the mouth and look pretty. We’ll call you when your husband is playing basketball and we need some eye candy at courtside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's her right to say whatever it is she wants!