Monday, February 23, 2009

Going To Hell in a Hand Basket

One of the sure signs that you’re OLD is the believing that the country is “going to hell in a hand basket.”

I don’t know what a hand basket is or why it’s the favored form of luggage when traveling to Hell, but that’s the way it is.

With the recently signed stimulus package, the overall zeitgeist of entitlement and the move towards socialism, I now believe the country is going to “hell in a hand basket.”

I’m also sure that I’m now officially OLD.

OLD people for countless generations believed that the country was “going to hell in a hand basket” and it never did.

That’s because the country isn’t “going to hell in a hand basket.” Instead the country is changing and I’m just too old to understand. I’m too old to accept it.

However, unlike the generations before this time the county IS actually “going to hell in a hand basket.”

Of course they said that before too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

move toward socialism? that is a bad thing? you prefer mindless consumerism?