Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mothers of Americans Held in Iran Return to US

The mothers of the three Americans held in Iran are set to be back in the U.S. Saturday after visiting their spies children.

Their children are Sarah Shourd (31), her boyfriend Shane Bauer (27), and their friend Josh Fattal (27). The trio has been held in Iran on accusations of espionage.

In July of 2009 Iranian officials detained the trio while they were hiking in the mountains of the northern Kurdish region along the Iranian-Iraqi border.

Meanwhile, Jamie and Melissa Jeffers, an Oregon couple honeymooning in Thailand cut their month-long vacation short because of violence. Not domestic violence but violence resulting from political protests in Thailand.

These stories beg the question, "what in the hell were you thinking?"

Why would you vacation in these god awful, war-torn, sex-trading, unstable countries, especially Iraq?

If being OLD has taught me one thing its don't vacation in countries hosting wars that border countries with a history of hostage taking.

In fact, now that I am OLD I wouldn't vacation anywhere that didn't speak English or the city of Paris. That's it. Those are the only destinations you should ever plan on visiting.

I understand that places like Iraq and Thailand are beautiful and racked with history, but do you really need to spend your vacation in countries where their main sport is dodging bullets?

I understand that the overwhelming majority of the world's citizens are kind and peace loving, but do you really need to visit a country where most of the work force's annual salary is less than what you spend on your inflatables?

Sure, most of the vacationers who visit these forsaken lands return, but is your vacay really the time to play Russian Roulette with the natives?

One more thing, going to places like Iraq and Thailand is the traveling equivalent of having a ferret for a pet. It's a cry for attention and screams, "look at me I'm different."


I'm going to Vegas where my life won't be in jeopardy and my money will be safe.

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