Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Local Family Man Wanted For Murder

Local Family Man Wanted For Murder

Often when there is a murder (especially one that rips a community apart) the news media likes to interview the alleged murderer's family.

Inevitably, family members are shocked over the diabolical news and claim the alleged murderer couldn't possibly do such a heinous act. They know him as a gentle man.

Their reaction is pure folly of youth.

When you're young, you see the good in everyone. Love and affection blind you from your family members' faults (and trust me they have a bunch of them).

To a young person, family can do no wrong and if they do happen to falter, they can't possibly be blamed.

When you are OLD you not only realize that you family is incredibly fallible but they also very capable of murder, especially of one another.

That's why when you hear family members proclaim a relative's innocence you laugh in disgust or chortle in distain.

What you really want them to say is: "She's guilty as hell. I always knew she would do this someday. Have you heard what's going to happen to her car?"

Being OLD provides you with the wisdom to know that for an individual to partake in the evil act of murder they either need to be void of emotion or extremely emotional.

And as we all know, those two extremes dictate every family interaction.

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