Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Arizona Passes Tough Immigration Enforcement Bill

Arizona lawmakers have sent a bill with some of the toughest immigration enforcement provisions in the country to the desk of Governor Jan Brewer.

If signed into law it would give the Copper State fuzz new powers to arrest and charge alleged illegal aliens.

Immigration can be used as an indicator for young and OLD.

When you're young, you don't care who comes to the United States or how they entered the country.

When you're OLD, you want illegal aliens rounded up and shipped back to wherever it is they they came from.

Young people always say is "we're all immigrants" or "we all immigrated to America." That's not true. I was born and raised in America. I have done no immigrating in my life time.

One of the main criterion of OLD is being an ardent immigration foe.

The OLD detest anyone breaking the law (which illegal aliens do) and harangue illegal aliens for draining public resources (which they also do).

It has nothing to do with hatred or racism. It has to do with obeying the law.

The bill in question will allow police to arrest illegal aliens for failing to show documents that prove they are in the country legally.

Opponents of the bill argue that certain groups of people will be targeted by police and harassed. Basically, you'll be left alone if you look like Phil Mickelson but forced to show papers if you if you look like Ubaldo Jimenez.

The fear is completely unfounded. Besides, shouldn't we be more concerned with protecting the laws of the United States and less concerned with upsetting the feelings of law breakers.

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